Coptic Bookbinding with Anne McMillan - Spring 2 (3 weeks)

Coptic Bookbinding with Anne McMillan - Spring 2 (3 weeks)


Wednesdays | Spring 2 | 3 weeks | 5/14, 5/21, 5/28


Printmaking Studio

Coptic binding is one of the earliest styles of bookbinding dating back to the 2nd century AD.  It produces a hardcover book that lays perfectly flat. This three-part course will cover the basics of the Coptic stitch binding techniques to create two unique hardcover journals that lay flat when open.  In our first session, we will design and glue up book boards that will become the covers for our book and prepare our signatures.

In the second and third sessions, we will make our two books.  The first book will be on the single-needle Coptic method and the second will be on the multi-needle Coptic.  

Each participant will leave with 2 finished books and the skills to continue the craft on your own. All levels welcome, but no experience is necessary - just a willingness to have fun and learn something new! 


  • Metal ruler

  • 12” x 18” cutting mat

  • Bone folder

  • Awl

  • Pencil

  • Scissors

  • Small utility knife with a snap-off blade

  • Feel free to bring a favorite paper or two for your book covers

A $30 supply fee for all other materials is included in class price.

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