Intermediate Throwing with Sam (April 3 - June 5)

Intermediate Throwing with Sam (April 3 - June 5)
Thursdays | 10-week course | April 3 - June 5, 2025
6:00 - 8:00 PM
This class is intended for Adults (18+).
An intermediate level student understands and can complete the basics of throwing on the wheel, such as centering, pulling and making basic forms. This class is an opportunity for students to expand their knowledge and refine their skills. This class is for students already familiar with throwing on the wheel and have already taken previous classes with our instructors or with another learning institution. If you have not previously attended classes with us, please take a moment to review our Studio Best Practices and reach out to schedule an appt to meet with the instructor prior to the first day of class.
Students continue their exploration of ceramic art by practicing more intermediate wheel-throwing techniques. The design and creation of utilitarian pieces is emphasized; students learn balance and proportion, wall thickness correction, surface decoration techniques. Students often have the liberty of making creative pieces, but also learn how to make 'functional art', such as vases, platers, and teapots. Advanced aesthetic, technical and conceptual problems are also covered. This course is usually taken as a secondary, mid-program pottery class
One 25 lb. bag of clay included along with glazing supplies and firing fees.
Each additional bag of clay is $30. Additional clay can be purchased here: Ceramics Studio Supplies