Watercolor 102 with Olivia Ramirez - Ages 8-10 - Winter 1

Watercolor 102 with Olivia Ramirez - Ages 8-10 - Winter 1


**Please add your student’s age and name to the notes in your order when you purchase this class

Mondays | 4:30-5:45pm | 1/6-2/3 | Winter 1 | 5 weeks

Watercolor Studio

This class is intended for ages 8-10

Welcome to Watercolor 102! In this class, students will expand upon what was learned in Watercolor 101. Students will learn how to paint light, shadow and color, as well as making fun still life paintings and learning how to paint self portraits and landscapes. Prior knowledge of watercolor is not necessary, but it is helpful.

Supplies: Click here to find your supply list by class

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